My Favorite Shortcuts for VS Code
Feb 2, 2024 06:30 · 95 words · 1 minute read
General advice: You can access a list of all keyboard shortcuts via the “Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts” menu (shortcut: ⌘+K, ⌘+S.
- ⌘+Shift ⇧+P: Show all commands (and search through them)
- F12: Go to Definition
- ⌥+F5: Go to Next Change
- Likewise, ⌥+⇧+F5 lets you “Go to Previous Change”
- ⌃+-: Go back (go to last cursor position)
- Likewise, ⌃+⇧+- lets you “Go forward (navigate to the next cursor position)”
- ⌃+⇧+← / → lets you un-expand/expand the selection (e.g. for selecting the whole word, the whole method…)
- F2: Rename symbol (e.g. variable, class, method…)
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